Monday, 30 September 2013

Task 5 - Introduction To feminism

Feminism is the movement that is promoting gender, social, economic and political equality, this also includes establishing equal opportunities for employment and education.

Feminists mainly campaign for women's rights such as the right to vote, the right to equal pay and reproductive rights. Lots of powerful women in the media are feminists such as Lady Gaga and Wendy Davis.

History Of Feminism

Feminism became popular during the 1940-1950 period where women would usually do the typical "male" jobs. Once the men returned from war, women continued to remain active in the workplace instead of returning to the house to continue to do housework.

In the beginning of the 20th century is when women started to gain more rights such as the right to and education and equal marriage laws, in some countries women were even allowed to join the military.

Major Events

  • In 1928 women had secured the right to vote the same as men over the age of 21
  • In 1963 congress passed the equal pay bill which made it illegal for employers to pay a woman less than what a man makes for doing the same job.
  • In 1978 the pregnancy discrimination act was passed which made it illegal for employers to deny jobs or promotions to women based on if they are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

Famous Feminists

There are many feminists today and many of them are in pop or in the media, such feminists include:
  • Lady Gaga
  • Wendy Davis
  • JK Rowling
  • Hilary Clinton
  • Oprah Winfery

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Task 4 - Semiotic Theory

Semiotic theory is where human action involves signs in three different ways.

Firstly, the person becomes aware of the sign, this is called The Perception Stage.
Secondly, The Manipulation Stage where the person interprets the sign and decides how to respond to it. Lastly, there is The Consummation Stage where the person responds to the sign.

Denotation - This is the exact literal meaning of a word such as childish meaning that of like a child.

Connotation - This is a word that can be used to convey an emotional response such as Childish which could imply that someone is immature.

This theory can apply to music magazines as if the magazine has a dark colour to it and have depressing pictures then it could not bring people to buy the magazine. However, if the magazine has a bright complexion and have more positive aspect to it then it can give a more positive influence and attract more people.

Task 3 - Questionnaire

Please take the time to answer my questionnaire which can be found below 

Task 2 - Audience Research Methods

I will be using two main methods of research that will help me towards my music magazine:

  • Qualitative Research
  • Quantitative Research
Quantitative Research is used to measure and predict leading to a final course of action.
Qualitative Reserch is used to uncover and understand thoughts and opinions.

The two types of data that will be recorded are:
  • Primary - Data that nobody else has recorded such as questionnaires and surveys
  • Secondary - Data that others have already collected such as Internet and Newspapers

Monday, 16 September 2013

Task 1 - What is a Music Magazine

To put it simply a music magazine is a magazine that is dedicated to music culture and would typically include different items, such as:

  • Tour Dates
  • Profile of different artists
  • Interviews
  • Current Music Events
  • Photo Shoots
  • Advertisements
  • Music news
There have been many different music magazines in the past, the most notable ones include

Q Magazine                                                            NME

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One of the longest running music magazines in the U.K is a magazine called B.M.G which is a magazine that has been running since the 1900s, That particular magazine is associated with the Acoustic genre. Different music magazines genres would usually have information based on those certain genres which would tailor to the specific needs of the buyer .
Some of the different genres include:

R&B                                                  Alternative                                 Acoustic

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B.M.G may be the oldest magazine in the UK but it is not the most popular. Currently the most popular music magazine in the UK is The Fly, another extreamly popular music magazine would be The Rolling Stone.

The future for music magazines could go in different directions as more and more people can get their subscription online instead of physically buying it which could have a negative effect on it's profits but it could also be very good for them as it would be possible to increase sales as they don't make a set number of copies, customers can just buy them online.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Introduction To My Blog

Hello, and welcome to my blog!

Here is a Voki explaining the purpose of this blog